The year 2010 is coming to an end. No bells or whistles just time, a concept far greater than our thoughts comprehend. Dates, years, hours, goals, dreams and achievements are all measurements of time. The beginning of the year usually starts out the same, an art exhibit in January and February followed by a lecture series in March during Women's awareness month. April and May my mother and I sift through pages of seed journals looking for exotics to WOW our farmers market customers in the summer. 26 weekends of baking pound cakes, and cleverly displaying vegetables for faithful customers and sometimes unappreciative lookie loos continues through the annual fall festival in October. Cold weather staggers in like the drunk uncle, everyone hopes, forgets the reunion date, but always arrives, right on time. Cutting wood, raking and burning leaves along with the last lawn cut of the season have become tradition. I've decided that Fall is my favorite space in time with smears of yellow and crimson just below the skyline. Woodpeckers, Blue jays, and our fish thief the Heron hang around foraging through the stuff I've raked up or left behind. November is always a blink, turkeys appear and disappear like eggnog, bringing us to December. Was the year mundane? Hardly! My oldest daughter graduated High School, enrolled in College, landed an office Managers position, got her drivers license and went on a 3 hour trail ride with her 4 year old gelding. My middle daughter turned 16, cut twelve inches of her hair, read 20 books(all romance)enjoyed technical theater, learned to speak Spanish, traveled to Tennessee to the Celebrations Tennessee Walking Extravaganza and faced her fear of honors chemistry and won! My Baby girl grew 3 inches over night, maintained her 98 average in all subjects, turned 14, and still looks forward to competing with 4-H judging teams. My mother announced that if we don't convert the garden to raised beds she's "not Gonna dig another hole!" She's finally learning to be a lady of leisure and enjoying her retirement. Reading Robert Ludlum dictionaries, rug hooking with the Crescent Lane hookers, knitting again after a 30 yr hiatus, naps in the middle of the day, with a little facebook on the side. My year has been filled with a lil art promotion, a lil book promoting, and a whole lot of school. Yes I made the decision to return to school after a "living life" break. I've discovered that after 27 years, my zest for learning has not wavered. I am my harshest critic, and continuously challenge my personal best to be better. Like my mom, I too am a rug hooker, book reader, mommy and daughter, whose every waking minute is filled with something, laughter, anger, disappointment, expectation, mediocre teachers, great educators, memorable lyrics, and trashy radio moments. Severing my 14 year relationship with DISH network and pulling the plug on television in general is not earth shattering news but it has allowed more time for quality conversation amongst 5 giggling girls. That's my year thus far, I definitely plan to keep you all abreast of any new developments.
Until next TIME
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